The correct title is "The Order of the Secret Monitor in Great Britain and it Districts and Conclaves Overseas" and it is sub-titled "The Brotherhood of David and Jonathan" is steadily growing and flourishing in the United Kingdom and throughout the world.
The Order takes its theme from the book of Samuel in the Old Testament and the life of David and his remarkable friendship with Jonathan. The whole essence of the Fraternity is based on this friendship, with special officers (four visiting deacons) appointed to maintain a personal contact with all its members, the rituals and ceremonies date from one thousand years before the building of King Solomon's Temple.
During the first degree or Induction as a Secret Monitor - the ceremony recalls the quite remarkable friendship between David and Jonathan, through both trying times and against strong opposition. The second degree or Admission as a Prince - recalls the persecution of David by Saul and the way in which David selected and proved his friends. Uniquely The third degree is Installation and Commission as a Supreme Ruler - recalling the anointing of David as King and the opportunities and duties of leadership.
The meetings are in Conclaves, all of which are in Provinces and under the control of the Grand Conclave, which has its based at Mark Masons Hall, London. The 'head' of the Conclave is known as the Supreme Ruler and among the Officers are as mentioned above the four Visiting Deacons with the unique role in Freemasonry and the responsibility of communicating with the members between each meeting.
This is to put into practice the teachings and precepts of that are communicated in the three degrees; these are to make friendship and fidelity with the fundamental aim to show consideration, concern and care for other brethren. At each Conclave meeting, the Visiting Deacons report of their contact with the absent brethren. This Order is truly a friendly one, relying on the response from all its members to the dedicated contact by the Deacons.
The only requirement of a prospective candidate is that he must be a Master Mason, but it is equally correct to say that an essential qualification in every candidate is the willingness to offer and be ready and responsive to friendship.